Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Maddest Gamble ever!

I understand and respect the fact that different people have different beliefs from Atheism to Breatharianism - that's fine (actually Breatharianim is not fine - it's downright dangerous!) but you know what I mean.

So I get all that - and I respect an individual's right to choose what they believe. But there is something I really cannot get my mind around. That is this ...

How is it, so many people - probably you the current reader included, are so confident about what you believe you are comfortable gambling that Christianity and Islam are wrong?

Now I know Islam is not true - but I've done the homework and know why it cannot be true, but I doubt you have down the same.

Most people never bother to find out the first thing about these two great (in terms of size) world faiths - yet these faith systems hold that we live once, then die, then face judgment. All who have not complied will be cast into a lost eternity - hell.

Now I know I am not a genius, I'm not an intellectual or great thinker - but I also know I am not totally stupid. My guess is that I have an average IQ and know how to think things through and be sensible.

Now I also know that Christian beliefs are unpopular today. Most people don't really like them very much anymore. They are considered unsophisticated and primitive.

Now as a common sense man and a Christian I do question my beliefs. Is it really possible that Christianity is the one true faith? Isn't that arrogant, primitive and outmoded thinking? I do wonder from time to time.

The truth is, there are times when I don't even want it to be true - it doesn't fit with society anymore and I just want to be like everyone else. I have times when I doubt it all.

So at those times I re-evaluate all the evidence. That is my own life story and experience, the Christian world view compared to all others and the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What I find when I check it all out is - it all checks out. I'm not saying it is 100% water-tight - but it is say, 95-97% at the very least.

Then I sometimes think - but there is a slither of possibility that it may all be untrue, that 3-5% chance. And I contemplate the possibility of turning my back on the church and the Christian faith on the basis of that 3-5% slither of doubt.

But do you know what?

The thought of it utterly terrifies me - I am not kidding here - man, it make no sense at all to gamble so much. If Christianity is true - and at the very least it is almost certainly true, then my turning my back on it all is to almost certainly damn myself to hell forever and ever and ever.

That is an insane gamble - only a fool would gamble so much for so little.

Yet this is what most of you do. You are gambling on Jesus never having risen from the grave - you are gambling on the Christian faith being untrue - probably not because it is unbelievable - it is believable and has real credibility - but because you don't want it to be true. You don't want Jesus.

Like a mad-man on a helper-skelter to destruction with eyes closed tight and fingers in ears imagining happy thoughts you are hurtling to what the ancients called 'the day of reckoning'.

My advice and plea?

Stop gambling so much for so little. Find out now what is true and begin to do what is right in the light of that. The decisions you make today effect not only your eternity, but will influence the eternity of those you love most too.

Consider this ...

Christianity is not cool and popular, it is considered unsophisticated and doesn't really fit with our modern society - but does that make it untrue? Of course not. So don't reject it on that basis.

Wanna know how you can find out more? leave a comment, go to our web site, message me - whatever, find out.