Monday, 31 October 2016

Encouragement and Spiritual Attack

Brothers and Sisters, 

As you know we face challenging times. It's good to remember Peter, when walking on water, all the time his eyes were fixed on Jesus he was able to do what he couldn't possibly do otherwise, no matter how the tempest around him raged he defied all odds, all the rules of physics and nature and did what was not possible for him to do - he walked on water! But the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and focussed on the waves, crashing in around him on all sides, he began to sink, fear, hopelessness, and despair, the impossibility of the situation overtook him. 

God gave us all great encouragement on Sunday, I hope you all took it and took it to heart where it belongs. 

We have an Enemy

However, we are wise to remember, we have a cruel and wicked enemy who is relentlessly and zealously opposed to us. He wants to rob us all of any strength God supplied and supplies. What's more, he has allies, as I found out. 

About an hour after the service I got a very long, text, telling me how I am failing, comparing me to Eric and Giles (whom I love and appreciate) essentially questioning my fitness to be a Pastor etc. On it went. 

It is not often I am so personally attacked, and the reason I share it is because I fear that perhaps you may also be subject to Satan's attack. 

Three things to Remember when under Attack

As I read the text, All the encouragement disaappeared - I realised I was in a spiritual battle. Three thoughts prevailed. (1) the temptation to defend my 'self' under attack would prevent me from seeing any truth in their tirade. (2) Even if they are wrong, I am in fact far worse and less deserving for countless other reasons that they know nothing about - nor would they be concerned about - but God is, so only in my pride would I take offence. (3) Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, this person is not my enemy, but is both a victim and instrument of the enemy.  They are eaperiencing anger, anguish, confusion and turmoil. Their attack should provoke compassion - that is what it means to love our enemies.

Satan's other Ally

Sadly, Satan not only has allies in broken-hearted, misdirected hurting pawns like my poor critic, but also within. And that, or more precisely 'I' am by far my biggest problem, not my attacker, but my natural defender, my natural justifier - ME! My own pride and sinfulness vies for prominence and victory over my critic. I want to prove myself right, righteous - and my oppnent wrong - unjustified.

A False Choice

It so often seems that we must either "overcome" by our self-righteousness or give in and be defeated and crushed by discouragement, doubt and failure. Either they / he / she is right and I am wrong, or they / he / she is wrong and I am right! Right? Wrong! Things are rarely black and white.

To justify myself and accuse my critic, pointing out how wrong he is, how he has no room to talk and to  judge him (self righteously) would be very easy, that comes naturally. To take criticism to heart and feel a defeated failure comes easily. But you cannot fight fire with fire. Either would have consumed me even as it consumed my critic. To stand against a spiritual attack is demanding - it does require time and energy, discipline and faith.

A time for everything under the sun

So my first battle was to commit it to the Lord to weigh up later, 'now' was not the time to deal with it - I had my family around me - a source of love and strength to encourage me and me them. Instead, I rested in the knowledge that, if I have done wrong, the Lord will show me my sin, and I have a solution, the gospel, which alone justifies the faith-filled repentant. So I concentrated instead on enjoying my family around me during the afternoon and evening, I'd deal with it before the Lord tomorrow (Monday).

Satan is an intruder - and we must not let him have his terms. Yes it needed dealing with, but for now, God has given me my family to enjoy, and by faith, that is what I did.

Standing Firm

Then later I went to bed with the criticism at the back of my mind. George and I read together and then it was time to sleep. 

It was then again the battle began. My tired mind drifted to the accusations, I kept reminding myself, "now is not the time to deal with this but to sleep". In the end I put my earphones in my ears and launched Bible gateway, listening to Revelation being read. It was some time after chapter 10 I drifted off (note to self, Don't listen to revelation to help you sleep!). 

But it was better to go to sleep fighting, persevering, than defeated, that is God's grace. I woke up, as if 'from the battle and to the battle', and began to read again. Even as I read and focus on Jesus, I had to drag my mind to focus on what I was reading and not allow my 'self' to drag me back to the criticism and all manner of connected but undisciplined trains of thought - and that was a battle! If I allowed that to happen, I would again be robbed of whatever strength, encouragement, and blessing the Lord had for me - and He knows I need it.

A Thankful Heart

After saying my goodbyes to Georgie and Gemma, I set off on my walk to the Moulsecoomb station to get the train to East Anglia for the FIEC Leader's conference. As I walked and prayed the battle continued again. But now I found it somewhat easier to count my blessings. I thanked God for all the blessings of having John and Tessa stay with us, how they loved and encouraged us. I thanked God for His presence during the worship and especially the clear gospel message so richly preached by John. The Lord decked us with glorious gospel jewels! I thanked God for how you all served us as you worked together, cooking, serving tea and coffee, washing up, sweeping floors, putting out tables, watching children, talking to visitors etc. I thanked God that he blessed me with family and despite his efforts, Satan never robbed me of that joy. I thanked God that on top of all that I was off to a conference where God wants to strengthen and encourage me so that I can serve you better - which I really want to do. I thanked God that despite a few issues that cropped up in the morning, I left my wife and daughter in peace. 

As I thanked God for all His blessings, God established His peace and joy again in my heart.

How easily all the blessings mentioned above (and more besides) - could have been robbed by the thief! He tried to snatch them out of my hands but I held on! He may well be doing the same to you.

Have I got what it takes to overcome? No and Yes! 

It is only as we stand our ground, resisting the devil that we find out how strong is the devil and our own natural rebelliousness. When we give in to negativity, defeat, dounbt, lies etc -  we don't know how hard it is to overcome. Just as when you try to undo the lid of a jam jar; you put all your strength into it - finally, it pops off! But the person who had a quick, half-hearted try and gave up will never know how tight it was - how hard it was - but you do because you did it. But in reality, you did not use all your strength because you did it. Were it a little harder, you might still have done it. Of course we all have our limit, but when it comes to spiritual battle, we will never reach a limit because, at some point, God's strength kicks in! 

"When we reach the end 
of our hoarded resources 
the Father's full love's just begun!"

Where we end and He begins we cannot know. I suspect our strength ends and His begins much sooner than we imagine. But the flip side is, when we don't give in, we  realise how God's grace really is always sufficient for us to be overcomers, which is what we are saved to be! Saints! Set apart - different, persevering in the strength God gives. 

Are you under attack?

So perhaps you too have been under attack. Yesterday God was at work to bless, encourage, strengthen and empower you because of His special love for you!  Not because you (or I) are big shots, but (as John reminded us) because of His covenant with His Son, our Jesus! 

If you have been under attack it will most likely be in the realm of your thoughts that is where the battle is, 

"We demolish every argument and pretension
that sets itself up against the (true)
knowledge of God". 

Have you been under spiritual attack? Perhaps it was an outright, obvious attack like mine? Usually it is more subtle, Satan the father of lies whispering in your ear, "none of this makes a difference", "Look at that hypocrite", "They're only serving because ..." , "they never normally come, they'll not be here next week", "It's all fake"

Identifying the enemy

Sometimes it is hard to tell If the criticism arises from the enemy within (a critical kind of spirit) or from demons whispering subtle lies in our ears. I'm no expert, but I think if we find these thoughts 'getting into our minds' against our will, (That is, we know they are wrong and try to resist them - but they keep coming), I suspect that to be a demonic spiritual attack. Satan and his demons don't want you to enjoy God's abundant grace in the midst of battle but God deos ... 

Psalm 23
In the midst of my enemies
You prepare a table for me
My cup overflows

They don't want your eyes to be on Jesus and His truths, the ones that really matter, that edify both you and others. 

However, if you find yourself defending negative, critical thoughts, eg, saying to yourself, "but it is true, all those criticisms are valid because they are true facts!", I suspect it arises from your own critical spirit (even if it is true). Either way, it is going to strangle the spiritual life out of you. Some truths are not edifying or helpful to you or anyone else. Remember - we are not justified by a particular truth - we are justified by Jesus death on the cross. So even if something is true - it does not justify a critical spirit. We must recognise it, confess it to the Lord and repent, trusting His full forgiveness - walking in it - and He will help us overcome.

Satan knows we are weak and vulnerable. He will attack each of us in whatever way he can. He will attack you - especially if you have influence. But God's grace is greater - and he wants to help us all overcome, and as Luther put it ... 

For us fights the proper man
whom God Himself hath bidden
Ask me "who is this same?"
Christ Jesus is His name!
Him and no other one
Shall conquer in the battle!

Let's each be repentant, and love one another more than ever, not less. Let's "fight the good fight of the faith!"

Under intense attack, God instructs us "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". He tempted Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days - Jesus resisted Him and Satan left Him. We may need to resist intense spiritual attack for a little while yet, but let's not give up - do not let Satan rob you of your crown or diminish it at all! He will leave us when he sees he cannot win.

If you are experiencing spiritual attack - tell a brother or sister who will help you, encourage you and pray for you.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Hope for this World?

Many people, understandably are concerned for this world. It is a real mixture. On the one hand, we see the heights of nobility, goodness and love, but on the other, we see the depths of depravity, evil and unthinkable wickedness. Political movements want to save the world, save various species etc. There are ideologies that look forward to a utopia - a world that mankind achieves that is without suffering etc. Many people give their lives to this cause. What do the scriptures tell us?

Understanding 2 Peter 3:3-15. 

God's word could not be clearer. There is no hope of saving our world - God has already spoken. But that does not mean His people do not have a hope or purpose and mission - we do - the Apostle Peter spells it all out. 

God's Promise
Basically, thousands of years ago, God judged this world by sending a devastating flood, saving His own people through Noah. He promised Noah and all subsequent mankind back then, never again will He destroy the earth with a flood and made the rainbow a reminder of that unbreakable promise. 

Genesis 9
11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

God's Judgment
But He has also made it clear - He will judge the earth again - this time, not by water (As he has promised) - but by fire

2 Peter 3:10
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare."  

There is no man, no people, no army, no force or power, no movement of people - nothing that can save the world from this coming judgment of fire that will, once for all cleanse the earth of all wickedness, evil, sin, and rebellion against God.

God's Patience Mercy
The only reason He has not already judged the earth by fire, is because of His kind patience and love, to quote 2 Peter 3:9  

2 Peter 3:9
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

The Lord wants the maximum number of people to repent, turning to Jesus as King to be part of His new kingdom which He is establishing right now. 

God's Purpose for us now
But what then is our purpose and mission in life? Peter tells us in the next verse ... 

2 Peter 3:11-13
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 

This tells us how we should live now, we should live godly lives. Jesus is our supreme example of a godly life, and He showed us that a Godly life is to live out the will of God in our lives and live to please God. Jesus said ... 

John 4:34
34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

John 6
38 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.

John 8
29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.”

A New Earth
But also - surprisingly - it tells us that we should actually “look forward” (2 Peter 3: 2) to this judgment! Why? Because it is only God's judgment that will bring an end to the misery, pain, suffering, destruction and abuse in this world that we long to see ended - and only then will the new heavens and new earth be established, where righteousness dwells (Verse 13).

I love the picture of the new heavens and new earth given in Revelation 21

21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

But back to 2 Peter 3 - he goes on to tell us … 

Peace with God
2 Peter 3
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 

This tells us a number of key things we should now be concentrating on … 

1) We should first be looking forward to this 'new heavens and new earth'. Our eye is not on this world - as long as this world endures, pain and misery, wickedness and evil will continue. But a better world is coming.  And I want to be in that world to come forever. And I want my children and family there with me. By God’s grace I will be - I hope you will be too. 

2) We must “make every effort” to be found “spotless, blameless and at peace with Him”. Two important points from this are (a) it requires every effort. This means work, energy, time. “Every effort” is demanding.  In other words, we should be devoted to this. Devoted to what exactly? (b) Being found spotless and blameless and at Peace with Him. This means, we are not trying to be righteous in our own eyes, that is, self-righteous, nor in the eyes of other people - that will make us people-pleasers. But we are to make every effort to be found spotless and blameless in God’s eyes. 

Ultimately, He is going to judge us all. His piercing eye sees everything that is hidden, even in the crevices of our imaginations - nothing at all is hidden from Him - and on the day of judgment, it is what He thinks of us that matters. 

 What good is it to say on the day of judgment, “Well, although I am spending eternity in hell, at least I thought I was ok, and so did other people”. What we think of ourselves and what other people think of us will not matter at all on that day - all that will matter is what God thinks - how He judges us. And now is the time to make every effort to be found at “peace” with God. 

The word Peace here does not merely mean an inner feeling of peace, it is far more important than that. It is ‘peace’ as in ‘peace and war’. Basically - people are in rebellion against God - at war with Him - like two nations at war with each other. But the sides are not equal - at any moment, God could smite all His enemies. 

God's Patience revisited
2 Peter 3
15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.

A  lot of people say, "but why doesn't God destroy all evil now?" This is a good question - but the answer cautions us. 

Whatever we think of ourselves and one another, Romans 3:10-18 reveals God's damning judgment on all mankind

10 As it is written:
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
    there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
    they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
    not even one.”
13 “Their throats are open graves;
    their tongues practice deceit.”
“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”
14  “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”
15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood;
16  ruin and misery mark their ways,
17 and the way of peace they do not know.”
18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

The ultimate evil is not child abuse, murder, rape, war etc - the ultimate evil is the ultimate crime against God Himself, that is the rejection of God as God of our lives - and by our actions, we have all committed this ultimate crime against God, countless times in countless ways. We say, "nobody is perfect' which is true - but it is just the same as saying "All are sinners". 

Why is it the ultimate crime so bad? It is because it is the crime of rejecting God that has opened the gate to all sin, misery, wickedness and evil in the world. Had we not committed that one crime - there would be no suffering, pain, misery, wickedness and evil. But we have all - to a man committed this crime - we are all guilty before God.

All that is to say - if God destroys all evil now - He would have to destroy us all.

But Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation; He is patient - not wanting any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). When He judges, He effectively ends His patience and wars against His enemies. Now is the time for us to make peace with Him, that is, find the salvation God wants for us all. But we must make every effort to make peace with God before the judgment comes. That is what these verses are telling us.

So God is being patient right now - not judging us right now - so that we might be saved. In other words, this world cannot be saved - but we can. This world will be destroyed and a new earth will be established - but only those who are saved will live forever on it. The reason you live and have not been destroyed already is because God wants you to make your peace with Him and be saved. He wants this more than you can know - that is why He sent Jesus into the world.

John 3:16-18
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 

Want to know more, message or phone me - I’d love to share and help you understand the good news of the gospel.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Spiritual Gifts 101 #3

Weighing and Testing

Remember the verse from the last blog? 

1 Thessalonians 5
19 "Do not quench the spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecy with contempt 21 but test them all. Hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil."

Below I have attempted to weigh the prophetic elements of last Sunday’s service. My hope is that as you read, it will give you an idea of how we go about weighing / testing prophecy.

What does that mean?
However, a quick definition of terms is in order. The definitions are more for our working purposes at this point, rather than technical, biblical definitions - important as they are.

By ‘Prophecy’ I mean to use the term in its broadest sense. So for our purposes, the term ‘prophecy’ includes all the following … 
  1. The verbal articulation of an impression of what a believer feels convicted, that God is saying, to the church for the churches edification. 
  2. It is a message to the Church from God - but could be for an individual within the church. (1 Corinthians 12: 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.) It follows that if one part is edified, the every part is edified. 
  3. It needs to be weighed because it may or may not be of the Lord or may be a mixture.

By ‘Prophesy’ (Spelt with an ’s’ instead of a ‘c’) I mean the actual act of bringing the ‘prophecy’, the person is ‘prophesying’. 

It is important to understand, the we say a person is ‘prophesying’, we are saying, the person is acting in faith in bringing what s/he believes to be a message from God, impressed upon them by the Holy Spirit. We are not saying that their actual prophesying is God speaking, but the person is articulating as best they can what they believe the Lord has impressed upon them for the churches encouragement, and so they are submitting it to the church to be tested / weighed.

Context and Flow
Point 1
It is important to see prophecy in the context within which it was given. 

So it is good to consider, what is the general flow of the service? What was the preach on? Does the prophesy encourage in that direction? Or is the prophecy completely disconnect from the whole service - a curve ball - distraction? It is less likely to be of the Lord if it seems to be a distraction from what was preached.

So, in light of the above we should bear in mind the following ...

The service on the whole, was an expression of ...

  1. A desire to see God at working in greater measure during our time together, both during the service and in the future.
  2. A desire to open our hearts to hear anything God wants to say to us
  3. A desire to open our hearts for God to work in us in any way he pleases.
  4. Trust in God as our loving father. This is important because it expresses a child-like trust, one that says, "Lord we know we are vulnerable in this, but it is to you we want to be vulnerable and so we are trusting that as we do so, you will protect us, guide us and do us good.” In other words, we are trusting in God's character, as Jesus Himself said, "Which of you father's, if your child asks for an egg will give them a scorpion?” We know that if we are asking our Father for good, He will not do us bad. As we make ourselves vulnerable to God our Father, He will not say, "Oh you suckers, now you have become vulnerable to me and are relying on me to be faithful and protect you and do you good, I will let Satan come and deceive you and let you think it is me". We trust Him, He will not do that.

That all means, even if we got lots of details wrong (and I am conscious of some things), essentially - what happened was an act of genuine faith and trust in God - and Jesus loves that.  But that is why we test and weigh it. Not because we are suspiscious, cynical and critical, but because we know Jesus loves it when we act in faith and He often responds - but we also know details etc could be wrong, so we just want to spit out any bones. So we can affirm God’s pleasure in His church in stepping out in faith for Jesus’ sake and the good of the church, but recognising our fallibility we test and weigh. It is all good so far!

Point 2
The four sub-points under Point 1 above are good. But, if we are to not quench the spirit, we must (a) not despise what happened, (b) we must test it all (c) we must hold on to what is good and (d) reject what is evil. I think we can add to that (e) ignore what is neither good nor bad - just a bit of man’s thoughts getting mixed up in it all.

So, however we felt about the service, 'if we liked it or not' is not so important, but ‘what we do’ following the service is important.

Below I have tried to tease out the actual core - the things I think we can all heartily agree on, that is the main things. 

Also you will see, not only the actual prophecy is being weighed - but all contributions - since I’m sure all who contributed felt compelled by Jesus.

There were four particular elements I felt came out of the service.

  1. Grenville’s message: God expresses His love to us by giving gifts and abilities. He gives us these gifts and abilities so that we can use them, to express God’s love through us, to one another, in order to edify the church. It is wrong to use gifts for self edification and it is wrong to not use the gifts he has given to edify others because we are shy or cannot be bothered etc. We can use the word ‘gifts’ but in reality they are more like ‘tools for the trade’ - the trade being, edifying one another. They are given to us to use for His purposes. They are not like gifts we give at Christmas - where the gift is given, not only to, but also for the person we give the gift to. They are more like tools given to get a job done. This we can and should take to heart.
  2. Hannah’s testimony: Hannah encouraged the church with a personal testimony. She told us how God used someone in the church to speak into a specific situation in her life, and how it was definitely from God and she really needed to hear it. She wanted to encourage people that if they think God may have given them a word for someone in the church, to be bold and go for it. Hannah’s exhortation was ‘Be bold, be courageous, take those steps of faith, take a risk - don’t let the opportunity pass you by, the Lord will use us to edify one another in remarkable ways and it can make a real difference to people. Without question, we can take to heart that we should be willing to take steps of faith to edify one another - stepping out of our comfort zone and acting in faith and with a clear conscience for the common good. This will mean different things for different people. And it is in keeping with what Grenville brought to us.
  3. Dave’s prophetic word: “The Lord says; “What do you want me to do for you, ask and I will do it”. This was brought as a prophecy. Which again is consistent with Grenville’s message and Hannah’s encouragment. The prophecy itself is consistent with Bible verses such as Matthew 7:7 “Ask and you will receive”. However, there are many other verses that modify this verse. So just as we would with Matthew 7 - we want to allow God’s wider word inform our understanding. Clearly, the Lord does not give us all our ‘wants’. But often, as James tells us “You don’t have because you don’t ask God’ (James 4:2). So we can certainly take this as a timely exhortation from the Lord to get asking for the things we really want - the deep, enduring and godly desires of our heart. Since this was addressed to the church, we should ask, ‘what is it the church wants?’ Now we are all aware of a very current issue for us as a church - that is our concern for our future. And we have all expressed a desire, a want, to see the church continue and not close. It would seem to me, the Lord is encouraging us to ask Him. Tell Him - we want this church to continue. He wants us to be asking Him. Don’t just want the church to continue - ask God for what we want. Wouldn’t it be terrible if the church closed even though we wanted it to continue, planned for it etc. Then imagine that God told us when we finally see Him, “I know you wanted the church to continue, you worked harder than ever, made and carried out plans, asked churches for money - but you never actually asked me. “Lord, please make the Church continue, please provide all we need, please sustain us. One or two of you did - but not the whole church”. So, let’s reply to the Lord’s question by saying, “we want you to provide all we need to continue”. And tell Him what those things are. Now I don’t want to limit Dave’s prophecy to that, but since it was given to ‘the church’ and not an individual, this is the one thing right now ‘the church wants’. 
  4. Jade’s exhortation “Posture is important. I believe the Lord would have us get on our knees and pray”. This exhortation seems to challenge us to reflect on our praying, to consider the urgency of our situation - now is not the time for being reserved and conservative - but to cry out to God - to throw ourselves upon Him. To overcome pride etc and humble ourselves before Him. To get down on our knees. We will do that for what we really want, for what is really important to us. And since we know the Church is really important to God - it seems fitting that we acquire the kind of posture in our praying at this time. This seems to fit with all the above. It tells us how God wants to ask. Earnestly. Seriously. Passionately. He wants us to really want it so that we are driven to our knees. It reminds me of the famous prayer of the great Scottish preacher John Knox, “Lord, Give me Scotland or I die!” Let’s lay hold of God. 
  5. George exhorted us to read a specific book in light of her experience at Soul Survivor. She expressed that she feels we are too minimalistic. Without wanting to read too much into it, there is a positive and a negative exhortation in what George said - something to do and something not to do. ‘’Do read’ and ‘Do not be minimalistic’. Of course, the real issue is ‘Does the Lord want us to read that book?’ and ‘Was George serving the Lord in telling us we are minimalistic and that it is a problem?’ Or is that just George’s perspective.?

So I have cannot say I have any conviction from God to read the book - perhaps he does and perhaps I will see that when I read it - I certainly intend to read it just because George is raving about it - it sounds like a good book. That we are too minimalistic - I can certainly see what George sees there - but that does not mean it is God’s view. 

However - remember, we must see what good there is and hold on to it - and I think there is good for us.

As I have prayed and examined what George said, I would say - let’s hear George’s heart behind the words - I think there we will hear God’s heart too.

George clearly experienced something of a personal revival at Soul Survivor (Which I can testify to). Now she wants others to experience personal revival. George has been stirred by God and wants others to be stirred too. And God did not re-invigorate Georges faith for her to keep to herself - but God wants George’s fire to spread. Her desire is that we read the book in the hope we will be encouraged and instructed as she has been. It seems to me her heart is that we all experience spiritual renewal, personal spiritual revival - which I believe is also the heart of God.

However, she knows we won’t even bother reading the book if we are minimalistic. Whatever the case, it is true that if we are minimalistic in our faith - we must repent. 

Consider Paul’s similar exhortation: Romans 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. We must take responsibility to do the things that will fan into flame our love and passion for God and His church. The book George suggests may well help. But it is not a magic wand - we must continually pour upon the flickering wick of our faith the combustive fuel that God provides through His servants, within New Life but also others too, like George Verwer who you all missed :-( 

To this end I have heard several people speak of feeling ‘weary’. But the scriptures tell us “Do not grow weary”. We are weary when we fail to maintain our zeal and fervour in the Lord. The `lord is always willing to energise and strengthen us, and He always makes provision for us - it is we who fail to avail ourselves of God’s provision to energise and strengthen us. If we are minimalistic and want God to do it for us while we are passive. We must repent. 

All the above from Grenville, and the other contributions are at least consistent with Revelation 3 - the Lord’s words to the church in Sardis which I find to be striking for us … 

Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, 

The rest of the verse is negative and I don’t want to apply it to us as it may not be appropriate. But I would say that, if all the above is correct, then there is positive Change the Lord is speaking to us about. In terms of stepping out in faith in acts of love and service. In terms of praying and actually asking God for this Church. In terms of being passionate, earnest, relentless about it - getting on our knees. In terms off ‘shake off any minimalism, passivity, spiritual slumber - be ‘go-getters’ - reading the book, getting to see the George Verwers. The Lord wants us to be that kind of people - which we can be excited about - it is a good plan He has for us. 

If that is all the kind of stuff the Lord is after - if my ‘weighing’ is on track with God, then to fail to do those things, to fall short of them would mean the negative elements of the verse above would apply … 

I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. 

But, rather than ‘fall short’, let’s do the exact opposite and ‘excel’. Let’s love more than is required, give more than is required, pray more and more earnestly than is required, do more than the minimum to maintain our zeal. Let’s excel.

What about you?
The exhortation to weigh and test prophecy is given to the Church - not just the Church leader. Where do you think I have missed something the Lord is saying, where do you think I have interpreted incorrectly and why? What would you affirm? What would you add? What would you take away?

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Spiritual Gifts 101 #2

Last Sunday 16th October
I wanted to comment on the service yesterday because, apart from anything else, it was, (a) unconventional as our services go and (b) included some prophetic words and the exercise of spiritual gifts - which demand comment.
Second I’d like to make a personal comment.

Regarding being unconventional, perhaps like me, you prefer conventional. Personally I really don't like anything I cannot see is explicitly biblical, and I was a bit uncomfortable with how the service went - perhaps you feel the same? Or maybe you really appreciated the sense of freedom and openness? Perhaps you really felt that God is among us and we are ‘getting real’ with God? How we feel is not unimportant, but there are certainly more important things. Eg, never mind if Julian is pleased, are we pleasing the Lord? Wherever you are on that scale, I want to reassure and encourage us all in what follows. I hope that what I write will be helpful to us all.

There are three responses we can have to the Sunday’s service.

  1. “What a load of rubbish - let’s hope that doesn’t happen again - I really didn’t like that”.
  2. “That was wonderful - at last we are moving in the Spirit! God was at work!”
  3. We virtually ignore it.

None of those responses would be quite right. Certainly, alone they will quench the Holy Spirit. Paul’s instruction makes this point clear and gives us specific instruction on how we should respond … 

1 Thessalonians 5
19 "Do not quench the spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecy with contempt 21 but test them all. Hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil."

There are five imperatives (commands) listed in that verse … 

1) Do not quench the Spirit.
This means we can quench the Spirit - and if we do not want to, we must obey what follows, and to disobey what follows will result in quenching the Spirit.

2) Do not treat prophecy with contempt.
Remember, Paul is writing to a church. This suggests that prophecy was taking place in the church and at least some people didn’t like it, they were dismissive, contemptuous of it. So Paul corrects this attitude “Do not treat prophecy with contempt”. We will quench the Spirit if we allow such attitudes to prevail - therefore we must resist that temptation or repent if necessary. This shows us that RESPONSE 1 above is wrong.

3) Test them all!
This tells us, we will quench the spirit if we allow people to prophesy but fail to ‘test them all’. Sadly, where prophecy is practised, it is seldom tested. We must not just ‘accept it’. Prophecy should be scrutinised and weighed. This shows us RESPONSE 2 above is naive and presumptuous. It may have been good and of the Lord - but we don’t declare the results of the test before we have carried out the test - that is presumptuous. 

4) Hold on to what is good
This means, do not throw the baby out with the bath-water. That is, if while testing prophecy we find stuff that is clearly not of the Lord - or inconsequential - still we should not reject the whole thing. The implication is, that there is likely some good in it somewhere. This shouldn’t surprise us when contributions are born out of a desire to love and serve the church and God. We should look for any good and grab hold of it and hold onto it. Not forgetting it, not letting it go.

5) Reject every kind of evil
This means that in any prophecy - or anything else that is allegedly ‘of God’, there is the potential for evil to be in it. Any evil must be identified and outright rejected. However, it is also obvious that it is not just a question of good and evil. Imagine that pure good is ‘white’ and pure evil (you know what I mean) is black. In a prophecy, there could be both - not to mention ‘grey’ - stuff that is not evil - but also is not of the Lord - a bit of human ideas mixed in. Again, this is why prophecy etc must be tested. I suggest, though, that our expectation is that any prophecy a church member might bring is not likely to be ‘evil’.

If the above is true - whatever was or was not of God in the service yesterday will not quench the Spirit - but failure to reflect on it in a biblical way will quench the Spirit - and I don’t want to do that. In my next blog on ‘The Gifts of the Spirit, we’ll test/weigh the prophecy.