Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Royals

Whatever you think about the Royal family, they are becoming increasingly popular. It is debatable whether they bring more money into the country than they cost, so I guess that means we're not talking big profits or losses ... So who cares?

I'm not a huge fan of the monarchy. But on the whole, I am glad they are there. Apart from the Olympics being here in the UK, there is not a lot that gets the nation out of their houses, onto the streets in joyful celebration - I think anything that does that is a pretty good thing and I'd rather pay a little and have it than not. Life in the UK would be a bit more bland without the Royals - there's little doubt about that.

It also strikes me as ironic, that our unelected monarchy, we can safely say, is loved by thousands, if not millions of Brits. But our elected politicians, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and the rest of the shady culprits - who loves them? Once you get past their own mothers  - well, in rolls the tumbleweed!

I think this is because the very reason politicians get elected is because of 'lowest common denominator politics'. In other words, they appeal to the widest number of voters because they are bland in policies, bland in character, bland because of political correctness and, well, just bland. When it comes to hi-def colour TV, well we may as well go back to black and white when it comes to politics, shades of grey are more than adequate. Unlike the monarchy!

Added to the irony is the fact that we give the power to our elected politicians who no-one really trusts or loves, or even likes, and we have rendered powerless our monarchy who, at least in the case of the Queen, seem principled and certainly loved by many. I guess it's best that way though.

So what about the Royal baby? Firstly the name? I go for George, quintessentially English.  But is this baby something to get so excited about? Well a new baby is always good news. Standing outside the hospital, Kate and William looked great with their new baby. I reckon that family unit will continue to be the best ambassadors we have. And who knows what this new baby will grow up to do? If His Mum and Dad continue to win the hearts of people, that could put the Royal baby (when he finally ascends the throne) in a very powerful position - especially if politics continues as it is, dead, dull, boring. Perhaps we as a nation will prefer a real leader?

My final thought concerning the Royal baby though is that I cannot help make the connection to another Royal baby who caused a very different stir when he was born. There was no bed in the hospital for him - there was no hospital, just a stable, no slick, black four wheel drive and baby seat, just a donkey, no lining of the streets with cheers and waves, no position of power, no advantages at all. This is how King Jesus was born. He lived in obscurity until the age of 30, working as a carpenter. Then from the age of 30 Jesus began His public work which ended three years later in his being tortured and murdered unjustly. That was 2000 years ago. And yet this King still reigns today. 

A monarchy always has the potential to be better than a democracy because a monarch can really rule and lead. If the monarch is benevolent, wise and courageous, a servant of the people, He will be loved and the country will prosper. If not, then it's bad news. That is the problem with a monarchy, it is dangerous because a good successor cannot be guaranteed, a democracy, sadly, is safer. The problem is human sin - it spoils everything!

So, if we could have a wise, benevolent, powerful monarch who is loved by and loves His people, but also who will never be succeeded - that is the answer that would resolve the issue of the inherent danger of a monarchy - that is what Jesus offers. I encourage you all, find out about Him, pledge your allegiance to Him.

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