Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Trump - the current epicentre of the world?

The blast of the Trump is being felt everywhere - or is it? 

It seems to me that whatever Trump says or does is trumpeted by others as fodder for hatred. He is hated even more than Thatcher. But whereas Thatcher had her supporters, it seems Trump has none. But that is an illusion created by the media and the noisy minority joined by the mob with their mob mentality.

The media and elite are in control of the public voice and are distorting and construing reality for their own ends. The propaganda is obvious.

A word about the elite in America (The political establishment, Media, Hollywood etc). 
I think a big part of the problem is they were so high on arrogance that they never took seriously the possibility that Trump could actually be elected. And it really was the height of utter arrogance. They laughed and chortled at him, mocked him and refused to take him seriously - they thought they were in control. The idea of ‘President Trump’ was unthinkable - that they could be beaten by him was impossible - but beat they have been, the unthinkable and impossible has happened and along with the establishment, the media and Hollywood and the Liberal left have all been displaced in some way - and they feel it, and are desperately trying to claw their way back to ‘the world as it should be’, that is, with them and theirs in control.

Trump is Disqualified
I agree with most, it really is quite unbelievable that Trump is now the President of the United States - I remember seeing how he acted in wrestling - he really does not strike me as ‘president material.’ Trump is, to quote John Piper, disqualified as a leader. He is disqualified on a number of grounds … by his morals, eg, consider what he has said (and done) concerning women. I can understand people’s distaste. But it is a double standard when compared to, say, Bill Clinton the womaniser. Or consider Trumps plan to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out - and the temporary ban on Muslims from particular countries - these measured could suggest xenophobia - and if that is the case, it has rightly outraged millions. But it does not necessarily follow that Trump is a xenophobe. It may be that there really is a problem of Mexicans illegally crossing the border, and it may be that Trump genuinely thinks there needs to be a vetting system in place for Muslims from certain countries. These measures are extreme and certainly seem draconian, but that means they are bad solutions, not evidence of xenophobia. However damaging these policies - he is not breaking any laws. Unlike the illegal ward against Iraq - with utterly catastrophic and devastating consequences to millions of lives and the infrastructure of a whole nation leading to its descent into utter chaos and misery - Blair and Bush seem to have acted with total impunity.

So, since I believe he is disqualified, I have no desire to defend Trump or his policies - but I do want to question the outrage against him. I don’t believe it is about his policies, his womanising, his anti-Islamism. I just don’t buy it at all.

But before I am berated for slamming the anti-trumpets, let put on record a word to the silent supporting majority - particularly in the US - you are walking on dangerous ground. Particularly the Church in the US. It seems many see Trump as a kind of Christian Champion. He may identify himself as a Christian and profess faith, but that does not make him a Christian any more than if I call myself a pumpkin makes me a pumpkin. I’ve seen no reason at all to believe Trump is a Christian and I have seen many reasons to believe he is not a Christian - even if he really thinks he is. That is not to say he is not a Christian - the Lord knows - but I am not at all persuaded. Hailing Trump as a Champion of the faith could be the biggest mistake the church has made this century so far. He may end up being impeached - or put out of office in four years time - and if the church is seen as being pro-trump the man, it too will be put further out of society.

Here is what I do know … 

It is the God of the universe who has seen fit to appoint Trump to the presidency of the USA. 

That does not make Trump a Christian or a good man - but God does not make mistakes - ever. God will use Trump to accomplish His sovereign will in the world. It may be to bring judgment, or favour, or both - that is to be seen.

For those of us throwing up our hands up in shock and dismay and who seem terrified by Trump - my question is, where is your faith? Were you relying on Hilary Clinton to maintain world stability and promote good Christian ethics? Really? What if God intends to disrupt world stability and with it our cosy lifestyles for the sake of the gospel? Trump, Clinton & Clinton, Bush, May, Blair, Cameron et al are splintered staffs - all of them - none to be relied upon. But Jesus is in control of world affairs - we must look beyond Trump and the current, divisive, manipulative hysteria to the God who reigns.

I am worried about Trump, and what he is doing and will do. I feel great uncertainty about him. But still, let us all climb down from the sheer arrogance of disbelief and refusal to accept the democratically elected and divinely appointed President. 

Rather, it would be better to pray … 

  • Against division
  • Against hatred of both the minority of far right haters who are pleased about Trump, and the hatred of the anti-trump brigade.
  • Against the obvious attempt to demonise Trump and anyone who voted for him, so as to make them feel ashamed.
  • Against the self-righteousness of people who actually think they are better than Trump
  • For Trump to repent, become genuinely penitent and find forgiveness and faith in Jesus
  • For the American political system to temper the policies that will be bad for the US and the world.
  • For Trump to defy all expectations and actually do amazing good under the sovereign hand of God
  • For God to work for the sake of the Gospel in our world.

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