Monday, 13 May 2013

Struggle - Where will it end?

This is a question my good cousin raised. This is such an important question. Life is, for loads of people I know, a real uphill struggle, and it seems relentless. Will the 'struggle' ever end? For some people it almost defies belief as they lurch from one struggle to another. It wears people right down, leads to hopelessness, despair and often depression.

Eg, No money, home in need of repair, broken washing machine, watching ya children struggle, joblessness, sickness, disease and disability, overgrown garden, old mattress ya can't get rid of coz you got no car, screwed up relationships and too much hurt to think about are just some of the struggles.

The old saying, 'life's a bitch and then you die' resonates with too many. But not for everyone. Some people just seem to breeze through life. Many are more than content, things have fallen into place, their life's hard work is well rewarded. 

Basically, life is really unfair. We live in a world which is 'built on insecurity' and oppression. So where does it all lead?

Over the next few blogs I'll share the answers on offer. First up ...

1) Atheism - There is no God, no Master plan, no point or purpose, only blind indifference: life is utterly futile and plagued with unresolved injustice. Hitler gets the same end as the innocent child victims he gassed. If your life is struggle - tough luck, that's just the way it is. There is no point or purpose in it. There is no ultimate reward. You struggle, you die, you are remembered for a few years by your children if you have any, then you are forgotten forever - in 100 years time it will be as though you never existed. No-one will know your struggles, joys, hopes and fears. The reward for a lifetime of faithfulness in the best of marriages is merciless separation by death. Your life will have been pointless. The only good thing being, you never lived to see some of your offspring struggle in a world that seems to be getting harder and more cruel and hopeless. I hate the thought that at least some of my offspring will experience terrible suffering, and it will be pointless.

As if that wasn't bad enough, on Atheism the whole universe will one day die a heat death. The last star will flicker out and eventually there will be nothing at all. On Atheism, the idea of purpose and meaning is, in the end, absurd. Atheists conveniently ignore these truths because they are unbearable to live with. All that is not to say we cannot all invent our own purpose or meaning, but in reality, there is none.

Thankfully, Atheism is clearly not true. How do I know? Well the first answer may not be convincing to you, but it is to me, that is, I know God. But though that may not be convincing to you, I also know Atheism is not true because it defies all logic and common sense.

You see, if Atheism is true, then everything in the universe came from nothing at all. When I say 'nothing at all' I mean, absolutely 'nothing at all'. There was no time, no space and no matter - these things came about after the big bang. Before the Big Bang there was nothing. Not a single microscopic cell, not an atom! There was not even such a thing as a 'moment'. But then, apparently, about 13.5 billion years ago, absolutely nothing became unstable (I know this sounds ridiculous - that's because it is!) which led to a massive explosion out of this nothing, and the result, hey presto, rabbits, elephants, rivers, mountains, stars, moons, people and galaxies so big that if you could fly at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, it would take about 46 billion years to get to the edge of the universe.

But this is truly absurd. We all know, 'out of nothing at all comes nothing at all.'

We also know that everything that exists has a cause. The universe exists, therefore the universe has a cause. That cause must itself be uncaused. 

This ultimate, uncaused cause is what we call God. In a future blog I will show how this God has revealed Himself so we can know Him. For now though, it is sufficient to say, There is God, therefore there is purpose.

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