Thursday, 30 May 2013

Why I refuse to TOLERATE GAY and MUSLIM people. #1

 We live in a fast changing world that's almost impossible to keep up with. 

1) Lightning speed advances in technology and medicine, 
2) Globalisation, living in a  global village means we are, and feel closer and more connected to the rest of the world with all it's diversity.
3) Mass immigration
4) Multiculturalism

Keeping up
All the above and more besides means we are living in an unstable, fast changing world. The assault of change is on every front and is happening at such a pace it is pretty much impossible for anyone to really have a handle on it all, or where it is all going. It is very difficult to assess whether or not particular  changes are for good or bad because of the pace of change.

So, how are we supposed to cope with all this change and live with our neighbours near and far in peace and harmony? The prevailing answer is TOLERATION. 

The god of this age
TOLERATION is the god of this age. If you don't believe me then just express a bit of intolerance  against a particular group or ideology. You will then find that Intolerance is the cardinal sin. Any expression of intoleration is quickly and publicly demonised. And this is the problem. In this fast changing world, change is foistered upon us and we better not raise objections because if we do, we are branded 'backward minded bigots'. The result being there is no proper, public debate about anything. Any attempt to discuss the rights and wrongs is adversarial and takes place in highly, emotionally charged contexts.

For example, no-one can really express a view against Mulims without being accused of Islamaphobia, or against the gay community without being accused of homophobia. So, anyone who doesn't support the zietgeist is basically a xenophobe or fascist. No-one wants that label!

I am a Christian, and what this all means for me is, I better TOLERATE and affirm all expressions of the gay community, I had better TOLERATE and affirm Muslims etc.


I do not believe their views and ideologies or lifestyles, when compared to the biblical Christian teaching are equal and valid to it. 

Before you judge me, read my next two posts (which I have already written and will put up tomoz and Saturday).

For now it is sufficient to say that any sense of outrage, shock and horror or passive hatred in the form of 'dismissiveness' anyone might feel reading my statement above, proves my point that the god of this age is TOLERATION and the cardinal, unforgivable sin is therefore INTOLERENCE.

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