Friday, 17 April 2015

Random Answers to Ria's thread. #1

It is frustrating that so many people comment on what they do not know. If people are going to comment on the Christian God, which is the God of the Bible, they better get their facts straight or lose credibility. They should stick to what they do know. So, to answer Chrissie Stevens statements.

"If you wanna know how it all begun I suggest you watch some science documentarys and not read made up comics #justsaying"

Answer: Science cannot tell you how it all began. The vast majority of cosmologists (That is scientists who study the universe) reckon the evidence points to the universe starting with what they call 'the big bang'. But they admit, though it seems most likely - they do not know.

However, there is in fact good reason to believe the Big Bang did happen so far as I can tell. It is also consistent with the teaching of the Bible. READ IT.

In Genesis 1:1 we read 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth'.

With the words 'In the beginning' we have the beginning of time as we know it.

God created the heavens: The Hebrew word for 'heavens' is 'Shamayim' and is used in different ways. It is used to speak of outer space where the stars are, it is used for the sky where the birds fly. It is used to describe the space in a big hall etc.

Basically, it means 'space'.

And the earth: the Hebrew word for earth is 'aretz'. Like 'heaven',  it is used in different means our planet, it means soil, mud, it means 'stuff', in fact, it has the same semantic range of meaning as our word 'matter'.

Therefore, in Genesis 1:1 you have God creating time, space and matter! He creates it out of nothing! 

In the Bible, the book of Hebrews puts it like this ...

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. (Hebrews 11:3)

So the Big Bang, if true as most scientists believe, testifies to the words of Genesis 1:1 - pretty amazing in my opinion!

For a long time scientists were divided over if the universe had a beginning or not. If they read the Bible which has been around for thousands of years, they would have known it does have a beginning. The Big Bang backs up the Bible!

However, cosmologists admit, THEY DO NOT KNOW! So they also reckon it could be that the universe has existed forever, that there was A BIG BOUNCE. Others reckon there is an almost infinite number of other universes, the multiverse theory. BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW!

But, it seems the Big Bang is the most likely. However, even it is was The Big Bang, scientists DO NOT KNOW how the Big Bang started.

The Bible tells us that God created it. 

Science studying the universe is a bit like people examining an early Ford car. People can go to a museum, observe a Ford car, learn by observation how it works. But all of their studying and observation will never, ever tell them 1) Who made it or 2) Why he made it.

But, Henry Ford made it, we know that because He told us! 

Science can similarly examine the universe, it can work out how it works, but it cannot tell us 1) who made it and 2) Why he made it. That requires a different approach.

All that I have said is true which means, science cannot tell you how it all started. All you get from science is human speculation on the very start.

But God was there, He did it and He has revealed it to us in the Bible.

So we can and should go on discovering how it works through scientific endeavour etc, that is great, but by our own effort, we will never know who or why!

Chrissie is wrong, science cannot answer how it all began - that is a big question mark for science.

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