4) "Evolution of life, You tube it and learn it."
The fact is, evolution does happen on a micro level. That is, WITHIN SPECIES. This is often called micro-evolution. We know this happens because we can observe it.
There are two elements to so-called Darwinian evolution.
1) Natural selection: we can see this in agriculture in the battle against pests that eat our crops. Scientists develop 'pesticides' to kill the pests. This works for a while, but after a time the pests become immune to the pesticide and become a problem.
How do we explain this? Well, we are told they have evolved, which is true. How does this happen?
Imagine we have 150 flies, flying around in a field eating our crops. Scientists develop a pesticide and test it on 10 of those flies, it kills the test flies. Now the scientists use it on the 140 flies left in the field. The problem is, two of the 140 flies already have a natural immunity to the pesticide. This means the 138 have died out but two survive. But nobody notices two flies and the problem appears to have been solved.
But those two survivors with the natural immunity breed, passing on their immunity to their children. As their numbers build, the pesticide doesn't work on them, it seems they have changed to become hardier - but in fact natural selection just killed off all the weaker flies (they were weaker because they didn't have the immunity) and selected the two and their descendents for survival. But they didn't change biologically - but more to the point they are still flies!
In the natural world it is not pesticides that causes natural selection but things like climate change that leads to other environmental changes which select or deselect various species.
2) Mutations: Mutations happen all the time and usually they are unhelpful. However, so the theory goes, the occasional mutation is helpful and gives the mutant an advantage. So for example, imagine a creature is naturally blind. But then it mutates a working eye! Now it can see. It has a massive advantage over the other creatures. Therefore it gets all the food and eats it, the others die out because they cannot compete for food against these mutants. Again, natural selection has done its work.
In fact, I am not aware that a mutation that is helpful has ever been observed. Neither do I know of a mutation that gets passed onto the descendants. Mutated creatures are usually sterile, or if they can breed, their mutant gene gets 'strained out' so that it is not passed on. But the theory certainly exists.
Certainly natural selection happens, and perhaps there are beneficial mutations - let's assume there are and they have been observed (as might be the case) for arguments sake.
The problem is, if beneficial mutations have been observed, still they remain within their species. They do not become something else!
If a dog mutates, it is still a dog! Evolution has never and will never observe the evolution of one species to another. It cannot be observed because apparently it takes millions of years. There is no experiment we can do to.
So why do so many scientist make the claim that evolution is a fact? Well, because it is a fact WITHIN SPECIES, scientists take that fact of evolution within a species and totalises it to include the evolution of one species to another. This is not science.
For this reason evolution of that kind is not science at all. It cannot be tested of falsified (disproved) since the time scales are too great.
All that is to say, creatures can certainly evolve within their own species, so elephants can produce other types of elephant. But elephants cannot produce Rhinos or any other species. Only elephants. FACT.
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